While analysing the reason I decided to go to this trouble, (we aren't a part of the wedding party) I remembered something. Something big in my 10 year old little girl life.
Years ago my mom's only sister was getting married. Of course my mom was asked to be matron of honor. With her skills she went to work sewing mauve pink chiffon gowns one for herself and one for the flower girl. Now seeing the dress though all the stages of creation I assumed it was for me. My mom even had me try it on with hoop slip underneath. It was so pretty.
Then as the day to go to the wedding came mom said goodbye and went to catch a plane without me (and the rest of the family too). I was devastated! I felt robbed. Even today when I look at pictures from my aunts wedding and see my mom with her rosey mauve chiffon standing next my cousin in a matching rosey chiffon gown with her hooped slip underneath (she lived close by and did not need to travel to be a participant) I have this old dissapointed feeling inside.
Today as this memory came to mind I reallised this is the reason I went to all the trouble to make my girls feel like flower girls even though we aren't part of the wedding party.
Wow! anyways.... Saturday we we will all be beautiful and feel included, special and have a great time. At least that is my hope and plan.
Just don't go into super early labor! wait that would be super super early... you should be OK then.
Yeah, I am at 33 weeks and still need at least 4 weeks more to be in the safety of full term and not pre-term!
I better not go into labor yet :D
I just hope my red dress doesn't make me look like a tomato.
I want to look like a grecian goddess! In fact i hope after the pregnancy is over I could still wear it and the gathers would look ever more grecian and not so much maternity... we'll see.
I'll post pictures so you can be the judge!
You did a beautiful job! And I totally understand why you went to all that trouble, I have some similar, oh so traumatizing, childhood experiences. LOL I want to see pictures of all you beautiful gals all dressed up!
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